How Cool is That! - Nesting
March is the month to start getting your yard ready for the upcoming nesting season. Here are a couple of suggestions to be ready for the season:
Provide Safe Nesting Materials:
Don't be too quick to clean up your yard, save yourself some time and leave some of the following:
- Twigs or Small Sticks: Collect natural materials like twigs or small sticks and pile them loosely in your yard. Birds can easily access these materials for nest-building.
- Alpaca and sheep wool are great natural nesting materials you can add to your nest building material options
- Leaves and Yard Waste: Instead of meticulously manicuring your lawn, allow leaf litter and debris to accumulate. Birds appreciate this natural material for their nests.
- Note: Do not put out dryer lint, it contains unwanted chemicals and once it gets wet it stays wet
Nest Boxes:
- Inspect, clean out and repair any existing nest boxes
- Add a nest box/es
- Note: if an existing nest box has been in the same place in your yard for three years or more and has not been used by birds, it is time to move it to a new location.