Canadian Authors

Lorraine Johnson and Sheila Colla

A Garden for the Rusty-Patched Bumblebee 

With more than 300 native plants of Ontario and the Great Lakes region profiled in detail, along with sample garden designs, ideas for beautiful plant pairings and numerous tips for success, this fully-illustrated guide helps gardeners discover the crucial connections between native plants and native pollinators, and learn how to cultivate patches of pollinator paradise. 
Authors: Lorraine Johnson and Sheila Colla

Douglas Tallamy writes:
"What a valuable, comprehensive, timely, and beautiful resource! Lorraine Johnson and Sheila Colla provide the rationale, urgency, and detailed know-how for restoring essential pollinator habitats, not only for the rusty-patched bumblebee, but for all of Ontario’s pollinators."
Lorraine Johnson's books have been a great native plant resource for me since 1995. I currently use three of her books as part of my native plant planning tool kit. I think her new book is going to be a must for anyone who wants to help our native species.