Feeder Scaping


Wild Birds Unlimited in Toronto offers FeederScaping™
Whether you are just starting the wonderful bird feeding hobby or want to improve your current bird feeding experience, our new fee-based FeederScaping™ services will help you maximize your enjoyment of feeding and observing birds.
You may have already discovered winter bird feeding can create some unique seasonal challenges. It can be very cold and hard on your hands when trying to fill the feeder, a slippery icy walk to the feeder can make you re-consider filling the now empty bird feeder and when the snow hits, trudging through the snow can be a challenge. But during the bleak gray days of winter the activity, colour and sound of the birds can make the day much more enjoyable. Are you concerned about your local wildlife feeding bylaws? We can help ensure your bird feeding set-up meets the required by-law standards to allow you an enjoyable bird feeding experience. Many scientific studies have proven the watching of birds has very positive effects on your mental health. For more details on mental health and bird feeding - Mental Health and Watching Birds

If you don't want to give up the joy bird feeding brings to your day we can help you customize a winter feeding program that meets your needs.

To schedule your FeederScaping appointment, call us at 416-233-3558 or email us at [email protected]