A Canadian Company

Feather Friendly®

We have actively supported this life saving product from the very beginning. We are proud to have helped and continue to help this Canadian company get this important product into the hands of many homeowners.

About Feather Friendly®
Discover the story of Feather Friendly® – a revolutionary solution crafted 18 years ago and continually evolving, currently in its tenth generation, all with the mission of protecting birds from glass collisions.

From our Toronto, Ontario headquarters, we’ve helped to shape the bird-safe landscape by contributing to mandated standards and supporting and partnering with other leaders in this industry. Our global impact reduces bird collisions, earning endorsements from top conservation organizations and backed by countless independent research. Join us in providing a better and safer future for birds.

Bird-glass collisions are one of the leading human-related causes of bird loss today. According to latest research, at least a billion birds are killed annually in the US.

Because glass reflects habitat or is transparent, birds cannot recognize it as a solid object and fly into it, often with fatal results.

Glass kills and injures birds of all ages, including healthy breeding-age birds, birds with dependent young, and species-at-risk alike. With so much glass being used today, from clear glass railings to high-rise buildings and glass cabins to residential homes, this presents a big problem. Almost anywhere you find untreated glass, there is a danger to avian welfare.

How We Can Help

There is hope on the horizon! There are proven scientific solutions available, thanks to research that has been developing and evolving since as far back as the 70’s.

Feather Friendly® is proud to be one of those solutions. Our markers are scientifically tested and approved by the American Bird Conservancy, Dr. Daniel Klem Jr. (the leading authority on bird collisions), numerous independent studies, and several other individuals and organizations.