Nature Happenings

  • Hummingbirds are nesting; they may become scarce at your feeders until July.
  • Tiger Swallowtail and Monarch Butterflies emerge.
  • Young birds leave their nests; their parents are usually nearby. Do not disturb them.
  • Bird migration is finished. Birds that are here now are summer residents that nest.
  • As the month progresses, feeders can become busy with visiting parents and fledglings.
  • House Wrens are nesting.
  • First fireflies of the year
  • Fawns continue to be born mid-May through mid-June.
  • Wood Duck and Mallard ducklings hatch and venture forth early in the month.
  • Canada Geese begin molting.
  • Young Woodchucks and raccoons emerge and venture out with their mothers.
  • The young of some songbird species will be fledging .When young birds leave the nest they are called fledglings. Two of the early species and most noticeable are American Robins and European Starlings